

这个框架是用 python3编写的。 它可以用于搭建多个Conflux节点,并在本地测试分布式系统的运行。 通过配置节点,调用RPC,或者向他们直接发送 P2P 信息来控制节点行为。

所有相关文件都包含在 tests 目录中。

在项目目录下,使用cargo build --release 编译源代码后,你可以运行 tests/test_all.py 来运行所有包含的Python测试。


这是一个示例测试。 它配置了2个节点,使每个节点分别生成一些块,最后连接它们来检查它们是否能够收到另一方生成的块。

from test_framework.test_framework import ConfluxTestFramework
from test_framework.util import *

class ExampleTest(ConfluxTestFramework):
def set_test_params(self):
self.setup_clean_chain = True
self.num_nodes = 2

def setup_network(self):
# connect_sample_nodes(self.nodes, self.log)

def run_test(self):
self.nodes[0].generate(1, 0)
assert (self.nodes[0].getblockcount() == 2)

self.nodes[1].generate(2, 0)
assert (self.nodes[1].getblockcount() == 3)

connect_nodes(self.nodes, 0, 1)
assert (self.nodes[0].getblockcount() == 4)

if __name__ == '__main__':


  1. 调用set_test_params设置测试初始化参数。
  2. 根据set_test_params中设置的参数,设置测试目录和节点配置。 默认情况下,将创建一个临时目录,并将所有文件保存在临时目录中。 例如,设置self.num_nodes = 2 将为两个节点初始化目录。
  3. 调用setup_network 添加节点并连接它们。 Here self.setup_nodes() will add 2 Conflux nodes by running pre-compiled Conflux executable binary within the directory setupped in step 2. We do not connect them here because we want nodes seperated at the beginning.
  4. Call run_test to run the actual test codes.

After running self.setup_nodes(), self.nodes is a list of TestNode, and each can be used to interact with the corresponding Conflux node. For example, to get the number of blocks in node 0 by calling the RPC named getblockcount, you simply call self.nodes[0].getblockcount and an integer will be returned.

connect_nodes(self.nodes, 0, 1) connects nodes 0 and 1. sync_blocks(self.nodes) waits until all nodes have the same pivot chain tip. Them are both implemented by calling RPCs, and more useful functions will be introduced in Utility Function List.

Sending P2P Messages

After calling start_p2p_connection(self.nodes), the field p2p of each TestNode will be initialized with a simulated Conflux node written in Python, and this simulated node will be connected to the Conflux process controled by the corresponding TestNode. After that, you can send and receive P2P messages within python code. Here is an example about how to use p2p to interact with the Conflux node.

    def run_test(self):
def assert_length(_node, msg):
assert_equal(len(msg.headers), 1)
h = WaitHandler(self.nodes[0].p2p, GET_BLOCK_HEADERS_RESPONSE, assert_length)

This example tries to get the genesis block header from node 0 with P2P requests (instead of using RPC), and asserts that only one header is returned.

WaitHandler will wait for the first message of the designated message type and run a function on this received message. p2p.send_protocol_msg is used to send a rlp-encodable message. h.wait() waits and handles the first received GET_BLOCK_HEADERS_RESPONSE message. Note that WaitHandler starts listening right after it's initialized.


By default, tests will use the release version executable binary built by cargo. If you want to use a file at another path (e.g., a debug version binary), you can set the environment variable CONFLUX to the full path of the used binary file before running the tests.


Utility Function List


Introduction to Existing Python Tests